International Bible Study Group Kiel

English-speaking Bible study group and Christian Fellowship in Kiel, Germany.

Help for the "Orientierungstage"

Dear IBSG,
On the Tuesday and Wednesday, the 12th and 13th of October, at the international center on the corner by the Uni church, there will be orientation for new international students. The IBSG has alway been present to let people know that we are here and to invite them to come. It has never been a waste. This email is to ask 2 things:
1. Come to the International Center on one, or both of these days from 8:00 - 10:00 am to chat with new students and invite them to come.
2. We would like someone to make Fliers or a poster. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE COMPLICATED: They just need to say who we are and when we meet. A contact would also be good and our web blog. We probably need 50-100 fliers (that's only 25 sheets of paper if the fliers are a quarter of a page). Poster can be printed from any copy shot. Just bring a USB stick with the data on it. Color is expensive, but black on colored paper is cheap. For colored fliers, the best thing is to print them at home if you have a colored printer. If you don't, and don't know anybody who does, you could email me and I will print them up. Please consider one of these and email Sonn if you will take a task:

God Bless,


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We, the International Bible Study Group (IBSG) Kiel, are an English-speaking Christian Fellowhip in the city of Kiel, Germany. We meet every Sunday at the University Church in Westring from 13:30 until 16:00. You're warmly invited to join us.

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